Intro Offer
Get 50% off a 2,000 word Thought Leadership piece
Priced at $499 instead of $999, and bundled with a ton of value.
Looking for quality? Fire your AI tool and hire a human instead!
AI can quickly generate fact-based content but isn’t able to write honest, personal and truly unique stories that reflect you and your brand.
AI can’t form a true opinion, find an angle, reach out to subject matter experts, reference anecdotes, or articulate ideas you have about the future.
Which is what we do.
What topic should we cover?
Think about what will make your audience reflect. Different ideas to the usual product-led narrative (but supporting them). What is going to make readers what to comment and share?
This is also an opportunity to complement SEO-driven articles with a more thoughtful piece to help you position you as a smarter brand.
What does the process look like?
Every piece is different, but the general idea is to:
- Find a topic that isparticularly relevant/importantJ
- Jump on a call to discuss the outline
- Research key points, news, market stats, and competitors and figure out an angle
- Share a more detailed outline, asking for additional information
- Reach out to subject matter experts and influencers for ideas and quotes
- Share the first draft with you and revise it until it’s right
- One published, reach out to media and influencers who may be interested in picking up the story
What $499 gets you
Getting Started
What should we write about?
You know your market and audience best. Send us an idea, even a rough one, and we’ll email you back our own on how to tackle it.